What Does a Cavity Look Like?

What Does a Cavity Look Like?

Often the first visual sign of a cavity is a dark spot or small hole in the tooth. Brown, black, or yellow discoloration or staining on a tooth can be an early sign of a developing cavity. As cavities progress, the hole in the tooth will expand, and decay will progress. Although most cavities aren’t detected until a patient goes in for their dental checkup, various symptoms and signs may indicate that you have one. If you are experiencing toothaches, extreme sensitivity to hot or cold drinks in a specific tooth or teeth, bad breath, swelling, or bleeding in your mouth, you may have a cavity.

What Are the Causes of Cavities?

Cavities can be caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, avoiding dental cleanings, and eating and drinking too many sugary and corrosive food and drinks. Routine dental appointments and proper brushing and flossing provide preventative measures against cavities. Frequent snacking and sipping sugary drinks throughout the day without brushing encourages the development of cavities. Cavities are common for people of all ages and can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups.

Prevent Cavities at AH Dentistry

If you have a cavity in Pittsfield Charter Township, MI, Pinckney, MI, Ann Arbor, MI, or the surrounding areas, Dr. Alberto A. Herrero, DDS, can help you. Dr. Alberto A. Herrero will help you determine which type of restoration is best suited to your circumstances. Our team is friendly, caring, highly-trained, and professional. We can provide you with high-quality, personalized, and proper dental care. Our dentist and team can help you restore the function and beauty of your smile. To schedule an appointment today, please call our office at (734) 222-9140 or contact us online.

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